Archive for 2014-06-22
Download Video Training Mujahidin Ahrar Syam Syiria-Special Force.3gp
Dalam sebuah wawancara eksklusif dengan
Al Jazeera, Amir Ahrar Syam, salah satu kelompok mujahidin terbesar di
Suriah, telah berbicara tentang keinginannya bersama untuk mendirikan
negara islam dan penolakannya terhadap koferensi internasional yang akan
di adakan di Jenewa, Swis pada bulan januari.
Hasan Aboud mengatakan bahwa visinya tentang negara Islam di Suriah
merupakan bagian dari masa depan di mana negara mayoritas kaum muslimin
menjadi satu. Ketika beliau ditanya tentang hak-hak minoritas, Aboud
mengatakan "bahwa sistem Islam tidak sama dengan yang di Barat, tetapi
kami memiliki sistem khusus aturan yang menjamin hak, kewajiban dan
keadilan bagi semua".
Adapun mengenai konferensi internasional yang diusulkan untuk
menyelesaikan krisis Suriah , yang dijadwalkan 22 Januari, ia berkata:
Rezim telah mengajukan prasyarat pada konferensi Jenewa bahwa ia tidak akan menyerahkan kekuasaan.
Jadi mengapa kami harus pergi ke sana ? Siapa yang a
Download "Soldier Of Glory:World War" For Android
The main difference between Soldiers of Glory: Modern War and other tower defense games is that there are no set tower placements. You set up different towers in the area. By placing them in front of the path of enemies, they change their direction.
Both towers and enemies can attack each other in Soldiers of Glory: Modern War. There is a definite increase in difficulty with this gameplay method. The game is also frustrating because even on the first level on the easiest setting, enemies are much stronger than you are. It is not uncommon to lose lives after the first few waves.
Graphics in Soldiers of Glory: Modern War are detailed, but the towers and enemies get the most attention. The environments are very basic. The default view is also very
Both towers and enemies can attack each other in Soldiers of Glory: Modern War. There is a definite increase in difficulty with this gameplay method. The game is also frustrating because even on the first level on the easiest setting, enemies are much stronger than you are. It is not uncommon to lose lives after the first few waves.
Graphics in Soldiers of Glory: Modern War are detailed, but the towers and enemies get the most attention. The environments are very basic. The default view is also very